Super street fighter 2 combos
Super street fighter 2 combos

The EX versions has properties that make it even more devastating than the normal versions. Simply jump and input the command immediately to do it very close to the ground. The Shikusen can be done very low to the ground which makes it ideal for punishing opponents missed moves. The move is also her Armor Breaking attack which makes it very useful in catching Focus-Happy opponents. Each version will travel down at a different angle, and when the attack lands, on block or hit, you can press kick two more times for a follow up attack.

super street fighter 2 combos

This is Juri's Dive Kick which allows her to set up some extremely hard hitting combos, but be careful because when it is blocked it is extremely unsafe in most instances. (IN AIR) QUARTER CIRCLE BACK + KICK, KICK, KICK This is an attack which will knockdown on hit, and absorb incoming projectiles if timed correctly. Juri will kick upwards creating a trail of purple energy. There is also another element of this projectile which is the initial start up of the move. Light Kick version will travel under projectiles, even low Tiger shots, and will also hit opponents who are low to the ground, such as Blankas Coward Crouch.

super street fighter 2 combos

This can useful for creating new combos considering the fireball can not only be released after an attack such as Crouching Medium Kick, but can also be FADC'd to continue the combo. Light Kick travels low to the ground, Medium Kick travels across the middle of the screen at a slight upward angle, and Hard Kick travels upwards at a 45 Degree angle.Įach strength can be stored by holding down the kick, and you can store all three strengths at once, unleashing them one after another. Juri's projectile which is one of the most unorthodox projectiles seen in any Street Fighter game to date.

Super street fighter 2 combos